Conference theme

Information and technology transforming lives: connection, interaction, innovation

BOBCATSSS 2019 Contributions

Submissions covering the following, and related, topics with regard to libraries and other information institutions are invited:

Social roles of information institutions: intellectual freedom, social justice, democracy and civic engagement, information society; information policy; information ethics; critical librarianship; community building and outreach, digital divide; information behaviour; health informatics; information and other types of literacies (transversal competencies, media literacy, data literacy, civic literacy, transliteracy, metaliteracy, e-literacy, digital literacy, computer literacy, scientific literacy, visual literacy), international information issues; reading, culture and local history; preservation and utilization of cultural heritage; creative industries; leisure and quality of life.

Information profession(als) and discipline: education and personal development; collaboration; information and knowledge management, bibliometrics and altmetrics; big data; data mining, data curation, digital humanities; information visualization, information architecture, usability studies, Open Access, DRM, intellectual property, information science (IS) profession (social status, public perception, values etc.), future of the profession,; IS discipline; diversity and interdisciplinarity; boundaries; history and foundations of IS; education for IS; IS programs and competencies, IS students (profiles, career expectations); IS alumni employability.

Innovative technologies: UI/UX, 3D technologies, wearable technology, blockchain technology, virtual and augmented reality, embedded and ubiquitous computing, human computer interaction, big data, digital publishing, e-books, social media; gaming, smart technologies, information technology for smart cities, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, digital libraries, online learning, MOOCs, information security, information ethics, information integrity, information manipulation, information privacy.