Call for Papers


The theme of the BOBCATSSS 2019 conference is „Information and technology transforming lives: Connection, Interaction, Innovation“, with three subthemes: „Social roles of information institutions, „Information professiona(als) and discipline“ and „Innovative technologies“. We welcome papers that address theoretical examination of the theme, present current research and examine advances in application and practice. Learn more about themes

Types of contributions invited and submission

We welcome and encourage submission of high-quality, original contributions which have not been previously presented or published elsewhere, in the form of a paper, workshop, poster, PechaKucha presentation or a doctoral colloquium. All proposals will be refereed in a double-blind process and must follow formal guidelines available at BOBCATSSS 2019 website. Proposals will not go forward for review if these guidelines are not observed. The conference language is English and all work should be in English. If English is not your first language, we strongly recommend that your manuscript be edited by a native English speaker. Submission of proposals should be made using the EasyChair submission system. All accepted contributions will be published in the online symposium proceedings. Please note that at least one of the authors must register for the conference in order for a paper to be accepted and published in the proceedings.

Submission Deadlines

Check out full Announcement and Call for Participation for more information

All full-text manuscripts of accepted papers and extended abstracts of posters, workshops and PechKucha presentations will be published in Conference Proceedings under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0